The latest news from Dancert A/S
New CEO in Dancert A/S
Lars Bennedsen has taken on the role as CEO for Dancert A/S. This comes as a result of Dancert's former CEO, Jørgen Baadsgaard-Jenen, choosing to retire as of January 1, 2024.
DK-VAND, Accreditation
On 30 June 2023 Dancert has obtained accreditation by DANAK on our certification scheme DK-VAND.
The supplementary provisions and the appendices I , II and III have been revised
New versions of DK-VAND's Appendices to the Supplementary provisions.
Only the headlines of the Appendices have been revised a little - and some numbers in Appendix I regarding Plastic Pipes have been corrected at page 1.
11 May 2021
Version 2 of DK-VAND's supplementary provisions is now available.
11 December 2020
DK-VAND, More info regarding the new certification provisions
DK-VAND’s steering committee has decided to amend DK-VAND’s certification rules for plastic pipes and associated products of 23.08.2017 in order to try to adapt DK-VAND’s requirements to similar European certification schemes. The steering committee has also decided to issue specific DK-VAND certificates to ensure the traceability to the DK-VAND certified products via the certificate number.
Initially, the new supplementary provisions will apply for INSTA-CERT certified plastic pipes. Later – gradually as the test requirements are ready - fittings and other components used in the water distribution systems will follow.
The supplementary provisions are available on Dancert’s and DK-VAND’s websites:
Dancert's web
DK VAND's web
These provisions are supplementary to Dancert’s General terms and conditions for certification, inspection and approval: link
The new DK-VAND certificates will be issued gradually in the course of 2021 concurrently with the accomplishment of the annual audits at the manufacturing sites.
In addition to the new certificate, the primary amendment is that the annual inspections will be converted into actual audits. During the audits it will be checked that the production management system is able to ensure that the product requirements are met during the certification period.
Moreover, the frequency of sampling/test is changed from once (of all dimension groups) during the certification period of three years to annual tests. Each year products from one specific dimension group will be sampled. In this way, products from all the dimension groups will be tested during the certification period.
26 November 2020:
"Supplementary provisions for DK-VAND - Certification of plastic pipes for drinking water, edition 1" has now been issued:
Link to Dancert's Supplementary terms and conditions in English
9th September 2020:
New edition of Dancert's general terms and conditions for certification, inspection and approval:
Section 2.6 has been added:
The company is obliged to ensure that it has the required basis for giving Dancert the permission to process personally identifiable data regarding the company’s employees which is essential in order for Dancert to carry out certification, audits etc.
Link to general terms, edition 7
7th April 2020:
New edition of Dancert's supplementary terms and conditions for product certification:
Link to supplementary terms and conditions, edition 13
27th March 2020:
Dancert continues conducting audits and assessments, to the extent possible.
System-/product certification: We will contact you, our customers, in order to clarify your situation and how to conduct your audit.
Dancert follows of course the Danish authorities’ recommendations in the effort to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Personal certification: Dancert continues as usual.
16th August 2019:
New rules for the certification of doors and windows
Link to new supplementary provisions for the certification of doors and windows
03rd July 2019:
Dancert A/S now offers accredited personal certification of structural engineers.
21st June 2019
New version of Dancert’s General Terms and Conditions
Dancert’s General Terms and Conditions are changed by 21st of June 2019 regarding requirements in certification standards.
The conditions have been adapted so that it is clear that a number of conditions apply to both certified companies and certified persons.
Section 7.1 has been updated: Upon withdrawal of certificates, certificates or approvals will as a general rule be suspended for a start. If the conditions that led to the suspension are not settled within 12 months, the certificates or approvals will be terminated.